Chapter 3: Mental Interests and
Mercury in Aquarius:
You are a progressive
thinker, open and receptive to new technologies and
breakthroughs in science, and the latest discoveries in any
field. You have high expectations and a deep belief that
mankind's problems can be solved through the use of our creative
intelligence and inventive mind. You have no patience for those
whose conservative, unimaginative outlook limits their capacity
to find solutions and envision a better future. You also like to
keep abreast of current developments in world affairs, for you
instinctively know that what happens in one part of the world
affects everyone. You have a strong humanitarian impulse.
Practically speaking, you have an aptitude for organization and
enjoy being involved in cooperative endeavours or businesses
that are contemporary and innovative.
Moon Trine Mercury:
You would be an
excellent teacher or counsellor for you listen sympathetically,
and encourage others to express their inner thoughts and
feelings. People trust and confide in you, and you are able to
read between the lines and to sense what their feelings are as
well as what they are saying. You work well with and understand
women, and the emotional, feminine side of life. You are
articulate on personal (rather than factual or technical)
subjects. Keeping a diary or journal would be satisfying for
you. You also have a talent for learning languages.
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